Expresso do Amanhã: 1×7
Melanie procura Layton, preocupada com um segredo sombrio. Josie tenta falar com Miles. Ruth tem um encontro inesperado.
Título do Episódio:The Universe Is Indifferent
Anime:Expresso do Amanhã
- 1 First, the Weather ChangedMay. 17, 2020
- 2 Prepare to BraceMay. 24, 2020
- 3 Access Is PowerMay. 31, 2020
- 4 Without Their MakerJun. 07, 2020
- 5 Justice Never BoardedJun. 14, 2020
- 6 Trouble Comes SidewaysJun. 21, 2020
- 7 The Universe Is IndifferentJun. 28, 2020
- 8 These Are His RevolutionsJul. 05, 2020
- 9 The Train Demanded BloodJul. 12, 2020
- 10 994 Cars LongJul. 12, 2020